Tuesday 14th May 2024

Fort Campbell ‘Dependent’ Tests Positive For COVID-19


101st Airborne and Fort Campbell dependent tests positive for COVID-19

A dependent of a military Retiree at Fort Campbell has tested positive for COVID-19, marking the first confirmed case for the virus at the installation. The individual is currently isolated at home, located off the installation.

Upon notification of the result, Fort Campbell officials and Blanchfield Army Community Hospital health professionals ensured the individual was medically cared for and
immediately began conducting contact tracing to determine whether any others may have been exposed.

If any individuals are determined to be at risk, they will be directly notified.

Health professionals and leaders are coordinating closely with civilian authorities in the surrounding area to determine any potential risk of exposure off the installation.

Fort Campbell officials are continually assessing the environment, and implementing all appropriate control measures to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19, to include limiting manning to mission essential personnel; modifying restaurant services to to-go posture; modifying dining facilities to grab-and-go posture; limiting childcare facilities to mission-essential clients; and other measures.
