Sunday 12th May 2024

UC Elementary Students Raise $14,000 At Read-A-Thon


By Mike Hutchens, UC Schools Communications Director

Union City, Tenn.–Reading is both fun and fundamental.

It’s also very profitable.

Students at Union City Elementary School recently raised $14,000 as part of a Read-A-Thon sponsored by the UCES Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO).

Those participating kept track of minutes they spent reading or being read to by parents and then had individuals or businesses pledge to honor that time with monetary donations.

Additional incentives for students included a day at the library for the top two students in each class who read the most minutes and a pizza party for the class that logged the most reading time.

During their reward day at the Obion County Public Library, the winners were treated to many fun activities by Director Carolina Conner and her staff, including a painting/art lesson, story time, a library tour, lunch from Don Sol and cupcakes.

Among the winners were:

PRE-K – Braelynn Ferguson and Travis Coleman Jr.

KINDERGARTEN – Adler Hussey and Annora Ferguson

1st GRADE – Charlie Parks and Austin Nipp

2nd GRADE – KoraJess Powers and Zoey Little

3rd GRADE – Jackson Williams and Aaron Nipp

4th GRADE – Wade Webb and Emmaline Ogden

Hussey (701 minutes) and Powers (605) logged the most minutes from that honored group.
