Friday 3rd May 2024

Fast Pace Clinics Now Offer COVID Rapid Test


Ahead of the Christmas and New Year holidays, Fast Pace Health is expanding COVID testing options with 15-minute rapid coronavirus tests, which will also test for the flu.

Fast Pace Health locations across TennesseeKentuckyMississippiIndiana, and Louisiana are now able to provide multiple testing methods for Coronavirus (COVID-19). Open 7 days a week. No appointment required.

There are several Fast Pace clinics in our area, including in Paris, Camden, Huntingdon and Murray.

checkmark15-Minute COVID-19 + Flu Rapid Test: 
(Nasal Swab) Available at ALL clinics

checkmarkLAB TEST | average result in 48-72 hours: 
(Nasal Swab) Available at ALL clinics

(Blood Test) Available at ALL clinics

If you’ve been exposed or are actively experiencing symptoms, this test can quickly provide you with a positive or negative result. Fast Pace Health is focused on the prevention of the community spread of COVID-19 and follows the latest developments and recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

*Disclaimers: No appointment is needed for any Fast Pace Health COVID-19 testing options. Rapid tests are available while supplies last. The 15-minute timing of results is based on test processing time for a positive or negative result. Due to high demand, visit and/or processing times may be longer than usual. Negative rapid test results may be sent out for laboratory validation.
