Monday 10th February 2025

October 21st 2019

*   For Sale:  Several Coleman lanterns & cast iron skillets.  A Kenmore Air Humidifier/Purifier, $15.  A Yale Towne one ton spur geared block, old, $100.  Also, old pea scales, $25.  Also, 2 used Schwinn girls bicycles, $75 for both.  And, Werner aluminum 13 ft ladder, $85.  Call 731-504-8463.
*  In Search of:  someone to bush hog a lot a little larger than an acre located right at the Pleasant Hill Church area, 4 miles south of Union City just off Hwy 45.  Call 731-446-9184.
*   Looking to buy:  Oven thermostat for Maytag, Whirlpool, or Amana kitchen stove with self cleaning oven. It has 16 wires.  Call 731-352-3252.
*   For Sale:  Working General Electric Wildcat record player, late 60’s or 70’s model, $60.  Call 731-642-4510.
*   For Sale:  2005 Pontiac Surfire, 2 door, 4 cylinder, 5 speed, 200,000 miles, 87,000 miles on the motor, 1 year old clutch kit, new tires, new battery, reduced to $1,500 obo.  Also, MTD 42″ cut riding mower, like new, reduced to $300.  Call 731-335-1540.
*   Want to buy:  4 good used tires for a Jeep, Size 30/9.5/15.  Call 731-884-8022 or 731-538-3206 after 4:30 pm.
*  For Sale:  Tony Gazelle exercise machine, $50.  And, NordicTrack ski machine, $50.  Call 731-504-8047.
*   For Sale:  Round bales of hay,  66″ bales of mixed grass.  Call 731-592-1031.
*   House cleaning services provided- weekly, biweekly, or monthly.  Call or text Whitney 731-796-5972.
*   For Sale:  pet drinking water fountain in excellent condition, $10.  Large carnival glass fruit bowl, $10.  Collectible Precious Moments lighted glass cottage, $10.  Call or text 731-335-5878.
*   For Sale:  Hammond organ, $200;  Crosley record player, $25; Honeywell heater, $20; women’s coats & jackets, size large/14, $10-$12. Blanket with Indian design, $25. Call 731-377-8613.
*   For Sale:  Amro Music Step up gold trombone, used & in good condition, $700.  Call 731-446-2211.
*   For Sale:  Atroguard laminate wide plank flooring, 138 sqaure ft, $300.  Call 731-796-0445.
*  Would like to buy:  junk cars.  Call Eric at 731-446-9945.
*   For Sale: 8 week old male pygmy goat, very sweet & loveable.  Call 731-441-8125.
*  For Sale:  used 10.00R20 tires for a big truck.  Already aired up on rimes & ready to go.  Call 731-538-2596.
*   For Sale:  Two climbing deer tree stands, $50 each.  One deer decoy, can use as buck or doe, $50.  Kershner upright piano made by Kimball, $200.  Call 731-592-2904.
*   For Sale:  5 x 8 foot tilt bed trailer, wood floor & lights, Reduced to $350.  Call 731-335-3617 & leave a message.
Will pay for:  Paying for junk cars, trucks, suvs, vans, tractors, farm trucks, & other scrap iron.  Call 731-796-1307.
*   For Sale:   matched set of 215/65/16 Goodyear tires mounted on Dodge Caravan factory aluminum wheels, in excellent condition.  $100 cash.  Call or text 8am to 10pm 731-796-1307.
*   For Sale:  7 piece queen size sleigh bedroom set with mattress & box springs, $400; one oblong mirror 34 x 56, $100;  two 24 x 24 end tables, one 23 x 50 coffee table, and one 16 x 48 sofa table, $150.  One  40 x 85 dining room table & 3 chairs, one chair needs repair, $100.  An assortment of crystal & china dishes for sale.  Call 731-884-7010 or 615-521-5172.
*    For Sale:  Nice collection of College & Pro basketball and football media guides, original movie lobby cards, & name brand purses.  Also, experienced couple would like to clean home or businesses.  Will also sit with the elderly in the Fulton, South Fulton, Union City, or Martin area.  We have references and reasonable rates.  Looking for:  Fulton Theatre & WFUL radio memorabilia.  Call 731-479-2113 or 731-514-7730.