Sunday 5th May 2024

UCHS To Switch To Distance Learning Next Week


By Mike Hutchens, UC Schools Communications Director

Union City, Tenn.–A recent spike in COVID-19 numbers in Obion County, along with rising number of students and faculty quarantined in the Union City School System, has prompted Director Wes Kennedy to temporarily alter the education landscape at UC High School.

 Total Distance Learning for all UCHS students will begin Monday and run through at least the end of next week, according to Kennedy, who said he’ll revisit the situation on Thursday, Oct. 22.

 Current in-person classes will continue at both Union City Elementary School and UC Middle School next week.

 Kennedy said a combination of factors led to the decision.

 “The coronavirus numbers are rising again, and so are the statistics that deal with the number of students and teachers that are quarantined in our system,” the Union City head of schools insisted. “And when you combine those with the fact that we simply don’t have enough subs to fill those faculty roles, something had to be done immediately to get us out of a bind.

 “We feel that our high school students can best handle the Distance Learning responsibilities, and this will free up some of those teachers to help out in both elementary and middle school roles on an interim basis. It will also provide for the least amount of upheaval and disruption for the majority of our students and faculty.”

 It is Kennedy’s hope that the number of COVID cases and quarantine numbers will either drop off or level out to return to the current plan that has high school students in class four days a week while Distance Learning on Fridays.

 Meals – breakfast and lunch — will still be available to be picked up next week for those high school students in need. Those interested should call the high school (885-2373) by noon Friday to request those meals. Trudy’s Kids Café will provide dinner for those interested.

 In-season sports will still be allowed to both practice and participate in their respective contests. No out-of-season sports will be allowed to practice as a group.
