Sunday 16th June 2024

Stewart Co. Law Enforcement Receives New Radio System


Photo: Chief Deputy Dale Ward looks over new equipment. Stewart Co. SO photo.
Dover, Tenn.–A new radio system for Stewart County was installed this week with the Sheriff’s Deputies, Courthouse Security, Court Officers and Cumberland City Police Department all receiving new portable and in car units.
The new system also provided an upgrade for the school system, school buses and eventually the Highway Department.
The cost of over $600,000 was paid for from a grant that the Sheriff’s Office, Cumberland City and EMA worked to obtain. 911 and the school system also contributed help with the new system. The upgrade to the system was badly needed and this new system should make not only law enforcement officers but EMS and the Fire Rescue personnel and the school system safer as well as the citizens of the county. A great job Cumberland City Police Chief Ricky Smith, Former Chief Jason Gillespie, EMA Director Clint Mathis, Chief Deputy Dale Ward and Sheriff Gray by doing a lot of work to make this happen.