Saturday 11th May 2024

Monkeypox Vaccine Available At Henry Co. Health Department


Paris, Tenn. – Tennessee Department of Health is providing the monkeypox vaccine to those  eligible to be vaccinated for the infection. Please call the Henry County Health Department, at  731-642-4025, for vaccine information.  

“The good news is that if you have been exposed to the virus, following some prevention steps  and getting yourself vaccinated can protect you and others from monkeypox,” said Director  Tracy Byrd of Henry County Health Department. 

MPX Vaccination Eligibility 

Those eligible to receive an MPX vaccination include: 

  • Anyone who has had a contact exposure to MPX, or may have been exposed, in the last  14 days should talk to their doctor, or contact the Henry County Health Department or  the Tennessee Department of Health. 
  • Anyone who has had intimate contact with others who might have been exposed to the  MPX virus. 
  • Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sexual relationships with men who have had  multiple or anonymous partners, were diagnosed with a sexually-transmitted disease  or are receiving medication to prevent HIV infection in the last 90 days.  

Steps for Prevention 

Taking these steps will help prevent contracting the MPX infection: 

  • Be aware of any changes to your body and talk to your doctor if you develop any new  rash. 
  • Avoid close, skin-to-skin contact with people who have a rash or lesion that looks like it  could be MPX. 
  • Avoid contact with objects and materials that a person with MPX has used. 
  • Wash your hands often. Use soap and water or an alcohol-based sanitizer. Hand washing can protect against MPX and other infections such as COVID and flu. 

“While monkeypox is a serious infection, we don’t want people to be alarmed,” Tracy Byrd said.  “Rather, we want everyone to be educated and empowered as to how they can protect and  take care of themselves.” 
