Thursday 25th April 2024

Live Election Coverage Broadcast, Livestreamed Tonight


Paris, Tenn.–Our Election Coverage will be live on the air and on Facebook Thursday night, August 4.

We’ll be broadcasting live on WLZK 94.1 and you can listen to it on our news website at We also will be livestreaming our election coverage on all three of our Facebook pages: WENK/WTPR, WHNY/WLZK and on Radio NWTN.

Anchoring the election coverage from the studio will be Darrin Thompson and Andy Collins. At the Elections Commission will be News Director Shannon McFarlin and David Jackson, who will be posting articles to our sites and reporting results.

Our coverage will begin at 6:30 p.m.

You can also look for news coverage on our website and Facebook pages.

Thursday’s election is a state and federal primary and state and county general election. Early voting ended Saturday and turnout was low all over our area.

If you’re listening to our coverage on the radio you can tune to WLZK 94.1 and you can also listen to it on our website. Just click on the turquoise tap at the top that says, “Listen Live” and scroll down and click on WLZK.

Shannon McFarlin photo.

