Monday 6th May 2024

Dyersburg Closes Outdoor Recreation Sites: Playgrounds, Dog Parks, Tennis Courts & More


Dyersburg, Tenn.–City of Dyersburg officials today announced the immediate closure of playgrounds, dog parks, basketball courts, tennis courts, picnic shelters and skate parks.

Parks and Recreation Director Andy Baker said, “The decision to close additional facilities was based off the recommendations from the CDC, the Tennessee Department of Health and out of an
abundance of caution for public safety.”

“While we want to offer people safe and viable recreational options during this time, we also want to make sure we help flatten the curve of the COVED-19 pandemic.”

“Our staff monitored recreational sites and noticed areas of crowding and close contacts. We could not continue to keep these sites open when people clearly were not following the social
distancing protocol set forth by the CDC,” said Baker.

All walking trails will remain open; however, the city urges urge you to follow the CDC’s minimum recommended social distancing of six feet from other people.
