Tuesday 14th May 2024

Busy Night For Henry County Commission


By Shannon McFarlin News Director

Paris, Tenn.—At a lengthy and busy Henry Co. Commission meeting Tuesday night, members of Vanderbilt Life Flight presented a program on its operation, the commission approved a resolution in support of the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution (with one opposing vote), approved an inter-local agreement between Henry County and the Calloway County Sheriff’s Office to improve communications for both agencies and heard a short presentation from the Friends of the W.G. Rhea Library.

Presenting the program for Vanderbilt were Kirk Krokosky, Jeanne Yeatman and Casey Haymans.

Vanderbilt Life Flight is not a membership service, they said, and is a partner with the community. Vanderbilt has a hangar and headquarters at the Henry County Airport and Yeatman noted they also have two members—Kayla Hixson and Russell French—with Henry County ties.

Yeatman noted, “We go wherever you need to be transported. We don’t just transport people to Vanderbilt. There is no membership requirement with our service.”

A contingent of supporters of the 2nd Amendment resolution was on hand at the meeting. The resolution was sponsored by Commissioners Drew Williams and Marty Visser.

In opposing the resolution, Commissioner James Travis noted he also was a supporter of the U.S. and Tennessee Constitutions, “but words have meaning.” He said he did not believe that the section regarding a ‘well-regulated militia’ means that ‘anyone who can afford a gun should have one’.

The interlocal agreement with Calloway County calls for their sheriff’s office using two of Henry County’s radio towers in order to improve their communication and response abilities.

Emergency Management Agency Director Ron Watkins said, “This is a good deal for both counties. They will contribute to our costs and it will be advantageous for both.”

In other business:

–Friends of Library President Sally Peterson thanked the commission for authorizing more funds that “allow us to better serve Paris and Henry County” by hiring more staff. That will enable the library to be open 55 hours a week and meet required standards.

–The commission approved submitting an application for a CDBG grant in the amount of $420,000 which will allow the purchase of new fire trucks for the county’s volunteer fire departments.

Photo: Jeanne Yeatman and Casey Haymans of Vanderbilt Life Flight present a program to the commission. (Shannon McFarlin photo).


