Friday 31st May 2024

Helping Hand Total Now $228,284

By Shannon McFarlin WENK/WTPR News Director
Paris, Tenn.—The total raised so far in the Henry County Helping Hand Radio Auction is now at $228,284. Thursday was a big day for a week day, with $5,757 raised by the Elkhorn community, Friends of Wildlife Refuge, CHHAMPS, and Henry Farmers CO-OP.
Last year, over $350,000 was raised, all of which is distributed to local non-profit organizations. Helping Hand is operated totally by a small army of volunteers.
The auction is aired every week day and Saturdays on WTPR 710 AM. On weekdays, the auctions begin at 12:30 p.m. and on Saturdays at noon. The Saturday night auctions are aired on KQ 105.5.
The auction is held at the Enoch Building at the fairgrounds.
The schedule for the rest of this week:
Friday: Real Hope Youth, Easton’s Angels, Friends of McNeill Park, Salvation Army.
Saturday: Henry County Medical Center.
The auction continues through February 28.
The Auction Phone is 644-1695.
Photo: Helping Hand cookies donated by Gerald and Carol Bomar. (HC Helping Hand photo).
